Sunday 10 August 2014


Purpose of this article is to give insight of charismatic and transformational leadership

Charismatic leadership:

Followers gets attracted towards leaders because of their charm and personality, there is no external power and authority involved. Charismatic leaders who are building a group, whether it is a political party, or business team, will often focus strongly on making the group very clear and distinct. They will make image of team in followers mind in a way that they will consider it as superior to all others.
     Leaders deliberately show charisma in theatrical sense to make desired effects. They also make effective use of storytelling, metaphors and symbolism. Best example is Adolf Hitler. More is explained with below video:

Transformational Leadership:

Working for a Transformational leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about followers and want them to succeed. It starts with a vision, and a future that will excite and create potential followers.
The next step is to constantly sell the vision. This takes energy and commitment as few people will immediately buy into radical vision, some will join the league much more slowly than others. Leaders takes every opportunity to convince followers. In order to create followers, the Transformational leader has to be very careful in creating trust, and their personal integrity. They sell themselves as well as the vision.
They remain upfront and central during the action. Transformational leaders are always visible and will stand in front of the team. They set standards for the team to follow. They also make continuous efforts to motivate their followers. With the below video it is explained, how a coach being a leader motivating its team.

Another video:

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