Tuesday 26 August 2014

Three monks

Three monks is chinese animated movie, made by Shangai animation film studios. This movie has won awards during film festivals. Its tells about conflicts that usually any organisation face, and how a better job design, job rotation, clear goals can resolve conflicts.

Problem with the monks was that all want to have the water but none them want to work. Everyone thinks that is someone else job. All three was refraining themselves from getting the water until mouse made them realise about water necessity. In the end part of movie we can see during fire fighting everyone was working in harmony to extinguish the fire.
  Same thing happens in every organisation, teams wait to see the emergency then only they performing. With proper skill set, proper understanding of everyone's requirement, with defined roles and with brainstorming ideas organisations can achieve any goal, without creating any conflicts.

Learnings from this short film:
1. Resolving conflicts: It is highly advised to resolve conflicts on priority, rather than waiting and keeping grudges about other team members. If not resolved disasters can happen in any organisation.
2. Roles and responsibilities: Each team member should be given equal roles and responsibilities to play as per their skill set. Roles should not be generalized but specific.
3. Job redesign: Job redesign is required to provide better working condition.
4. Aim for goal: Make sure with team conflicts do not hamper with team objectives. Like it happened in this film, their objective was to fetch water, but in case of fire they were running for water.

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