Sunday 17 August 2014

The Mynah and The Elephant

Once there were two friends, a manyah and an elephant. One day the elephant said to the mynah: "You know, I envy you .All my life I wanted to fly I dreamt of what fun it would be to fly over the village, the mountains, the seas, and to glide over the river and the jungle. I wish I could fly."
"No problem," said the mynah and reaching back with his beak he pulled out a feather from his tail. That is what you must do here, take this feather and hold it firmly in your trunk. Then flap your ears as hard as you can, and you will fly."
The elephant did as he was told. He held the feather firmly in his trunk flapped his ears as hard as he could, and lo and behold, he began to fly. Holding on to the feather tightly, he flew over the river and the vast jungle. After a long time, he glided back to earth and ran to meet the mynah, guarding the feather carefully in his trunk.
"You changed my whole life", he told the mynah, "I cannot thank you enough for this feather." "That feather" said the mynah,"oh you didn't need that .It was just one of my old ones. I just gave you something to BELIEVE in. It was flapping of your ears that did it, not the feather in your trunk!"

Learning: We can achieve impossible, if we have Vision (dream), Conviction (symbolically represented by the feather) and Effort (flapping of ears) Success in any facet of endeavor, is more deeply rooted in attitudes than aptitudes!..
The employer is seeking the passion to do impossible and the burning desire to fulfill the dreams thereby meeting the targets .The budding incumbents should have learning attitude and a burning aspiration to accomplish. They should tend to love the deadlines and the targets given to them. They should also be able to flap their ears in order to achieve their goals. Yes, its true that the employer looks for the elephant with flapping ears, i.e. who has got the dying drive and burning desire to accomplish his targets or goals.

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