Sunday 10 August 2014

Team work: Valley crossing

Team work: Valley crossing 

Lesson taught by Mr.Mandi on teamwork by valley crossing exercise. In this case three friends have to cross 2 step wide valley with wooden log on shoulders. The task demanded good conceptual knowledge at hand and effective strategy to implement the same and use of resource( wooden log). Smart goals were set by team members and task was broke into 9 simple steps. 

Key ingredient to success was coordination among team members and execution of strategy. Using the same strategy task was performed by our classmates.

Learnings from this task:
  • Communication: Effective communication is very important while performing the task, improper communication can lead to fall of team member in the valley. Team member should communicate their issues and ideas among peers and with supervisor. All the team members should be clear about the strategy.
  • Resolve conflicts: Team should brainstorm all the possible strategies and resolve the doubts and issues. In case of conflicts of ideas, feasible solution should be drawn.
  • Clear goals: Each member should be clear about his/her goals. Goals should not be ambiguous in nature, member should be aware of consequences in case he/she fail to achieve the set goal.
  • Motivated and Committed: Motivation leads to better ideas, strategies and effective use of resources. Each member should be committed and motivated for his/her goals, this leads to teamwork.

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